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Sponsored Projects


12. TUTEM: Technologies for Urban Transit to Enhance Mobility and Safe Accessibility – ₹3,91,00,000, ($473,550), Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2023 – 2025

Project Team: Avijit Maji, Prasant Sahu, Arkopal Goswami, Location Mind. 

This is a collaborative project between IIT Bombay, BITS Pilani, IIT Kharagpur and Location Mind, Japan – Joint Principal Investigator.

Funded through ADB’s Transport Technology Innovation Challenge High-Level Technology Application Project 


11. Integrating Supply Chains in Smart Cities for Enhanced Community Service: A Business and Environmental Sustainability Approach, ASCRIN, La Trobe University, Australia, 2023 – 2027

Project Team: Srikanta Routroy, Prasant Sahu, Sean Arisian, Aniruddha Desai.

This is a collaborative project between BITS Pilani and La Trobe University, Australia – Co-Principal Investigator.


10. Lean Supply Chain Designs to Reduce Food Waste for Business and Environmental Sustainability: An Indo-Australian Study, BITS-RMIT Academy Australia, 2023 – 2027

Project Team – Srikanta Routroy, Prasant Sahu, Prem Chhetri, Mathews Nkhoma.

This is a collaborative project between BITS Pilani and RMIT University, Australia – Co-Principal Investigator.


9. Electric-assist bicycle (e-Bike) mobility planning for smart cities: Fostering active transportation to improve public health, air quality, sustainability, and efficiency during COVID-19 – ASCRIN, La Trobe University, Australia, 2021 - 2025.

Project Team: Prasant Sahu, Bandhan Majumdar, Rodrigo Rico Bini and Jayden Hunter – Principal Investigator


8. Transport policy interventions to curb particulate matter emissions in Chandigarh – £37,027, Global Challenges Research Fund, UK– GCRF-HEFCW: 2020 - 2022

Project Team: Georgina Santos, Dimitris Potoglou, Prasant Sahu, Bandhan Majumdar and  Ashoke Sarkar – Indian Principal Investigator


7. Congestion Pricing: Planning for optimal strategies and commuters' behavioural implications under different pricing schemes – ₹29.39493 Lakhs, 2019-2021 - SPARC: MHRD, Govt. of India. Additional Grant: ₹11,51,000 – United Kingdom India Research Initiative (UKIERI). Total – ₹40,90,493 ($55,000)

Project Team: Prasant Sahu, Bandhan Majumdar, Ashoke Sarkar, Dimitris Potoglou, Georgina Santos and Dilum Dissanayake – Principal Investigator


6. Examination of binder loss in the bituminous mixture for in-service pavements – ₹9,90,000 ($13,500), 2019-2021 - Govt. of Telangana State. 

Project Team: Sridhar Raju and Prasant Sahu – Co-Principal Investigator


5. Prevention of Hazardous Field-Firing of Bagasse and Its Sustainable Utilization as a Raw Material in an Innovative Industrial Process – ₹28,79,650 ($38,500), 2019-2021 – SPARC: MHRD, Govt. of India.

Project Team: Srinivas Appari, Bahurudeen A, Prasant Sahu, Shinji Kudo, Koji Nakabayashi – Co-Principal Investigator


4. Development of Pedestrian Facility Assessment Tool for Improving Pedestrian Safety Condition in Hyderabad – ₹1,00,000 ($1,350), 2019-2020 – Hyderabad.

Project Team: Bandhan Majumdar and Prasant Sahu – Co-Principal Investigator


3. Adoption of Battery-Electric Buses in India – £13,970, Global Challenges Research Fund, UK – GCRF-HEFCW: 2018 - 2019.

Project Team: Dimitris Potoglou, Georgina Santos, Bandhan Majumdar, Prasant Sahu and Ashoke Sarkar – Indian Principal Investigator


2. Developing Suitable Pedagogical Methods for Various Classes, Intellectual Calibers and Research in e-Learning – ₹7,00,000 ($9,500), 2016 – MHRD – Govt. of India.

Project Team: Bahurudeen A, Prasant Sahu and Nikhil Saboo – Co-Principal Investigator


1. Development of Freight Generation Model in Urban Areas, Research Initiation Grant – ₹2,00,000 ($3000), 2015 – 2017

BITS Pilani – Principal Investigator


5. Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) Study Visit Grant (SVG) – 30,000 SEK ($3,000), 2020.
To visit: CoE-SUFS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA
Funding Agency: VREF, Gothenburg, Sweden

4. Conference Grant (travel, registration, accommodation, subsistence, etc.) – ₹3,00,000 ($4,000), 2018. 

To visit: VREF Advanced Studies Institutes on Sustainable Urban Freight Systems (VASI-SUFS) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 2018
Funding Agency: VASI-SUFS, RPI, Troy.

3. Travel Grant – ₹1,07,000 ($1,450), 2018. International Travel Support Scheme, Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. 
To visit: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA
Funding Agency: SERB, DST, Government of India

2. Travel Grant – ₹1,25,000 ($1,700), 2017. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Regina, Canada. 
To visit: University of Regina as a Visiting Scientist for a week.
Funding Agency: Satish Sharma’s NSERC Discovery Grant.

1. Travel Grant – ₹1,60,000 ($2,200), 2016. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Regina, Canada.
To visit: University of Regina as a Visiting Scientist for a month.
Funding Agency: Satish Sharma’s NSERC Discovery Grant.


2. Road Safety Audit of widening and strengthening of existing Bikaner-Phalodi section to four-lane from Km 4+200 to Km 55+250 and two-lane from Km 55+250 to Km 163+500 of NH-15 on BOT (Toll) basis in the state of Rajasthan, NHAI, Govt. of India - ₹60,12,000 ($80,000), 2017 – 2020.
Project Team: Ashoke Sarkar, Prasant Sahu, Ajit Singh, and Durgesh Vikaram - Co-Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: National Highway Authority of India, Govt. of India

1. Scrutiny of Detailed Project Reports prepared by Public Works Department, Rajasthan - ₹7,00,000 ($9,500), 2017
Project Team: Ashoke Sarkar and Prasant Sahu – Co-Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: National Rural Road Development Authority, Govt. of India

Travel Grants - Research
Consultancy Projects
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